The universal multiplexer FOX
FOX Manual "Units" Part 1
4th Edition
FOX Manual „Units“ Part 1
Control Units
1. COBUX 212, 213, 219, 223 & COBUV 217, 218, 220, 224 [315]
Power Units
1. 2. 3. POSUS 106 POSUA 206 & BATMO POSUM 306 [311] [329] [344]
UBus Units
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. GECOD 371, 372 NTU 411, 412 EXBAT 401 and SUBAT 461 EXLIC 451 and SULIS 493 UNIDA 431, 432, 433, 434, 435 UNIDA 436, 437 & 438 [002] [002] [002] [002] [002] [343]
UBus Units
7. 8. 9. ISBUQ 141 ISBUT 110 TUNOL 299, 286 & TUNOR [318] [325] [332]
UBus Units
10. 11. 12. 13. ALCAR 804 ETHUB 194 OTERM TEBIT [002] [002] [002] [002]
UBus Units (Extract of FOX-U Manual)
14. NEMCA 301, 311, 312 and NEMGE 315, 316 15. EXLAx/SUBLx POTS Interface Units [002] [002]
FOX from ABB, covers all your communication requirements in one system.
FOX Manual Units, Part 1 (4th Edition)
COBUX 219, 223, 212, 213 COBUV 220, 224, 217, 218
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Document number:
1KW001447R0001 / Ref [315]
ABB Switzerland Ltd