Esporotricose urbana: epidemia negligenciada no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Urban sporotrichosis: a neglected epidemic in
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Margarete Bernardo Tavares da Silva 1
Mônica Motta de Mattos Costa 1
Carla Carrilho da Silva Torres 1
Maria Clara Gutierrez Galhardo 1
Antonio Carlos Francesconi do Valle 1
Mônica de Avelar F. M. Magalhães 2
Paulo Chagastelles Sabroza 3
Rosely Magalhães de Oliveira 3
Instituto de Pesquisa
Clínica Evandro Chagas,
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz,
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
2 Instituto de Comunicação e Informação Científica e Tecnológica em Saúde,
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz,
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
3 Escola Nacional de Saúde
Pública Sergio Arouca,
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz,
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
M. B. T. Silva
Instituto de Pesquisa Clínica
Evandro Chagas, Fundação
Oswaldo Cruz.
Av. Brasil 4365, Rio de
Janeiro, RJ
21040-900, Brasil. margarete.tavares@ipec.
In the scientific literature, sporotrichosis has traditionally been associated with agricultural work, since the causative agent is found naturally in the soil. However, cases have been reported recently in an urban area, related to zoonotic transmission. The current study aimed to contribute to knowledge on sporotrichosis in an urban area through an exploratory analysis of its socio-spatial distribution in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 1997 to 2007, identifying the areas with the heaviest transmission. The database from the
Health Surveillance Service at the Evandro Chagas Institute for Clinical Research, Oswaldo Cruz
Foundation, was used to estimate incidence rates and spatial distribution. During the study period, 1,848 cases of sporotrichosis were reported, predominantly in adult women not currently in the labor market. The leading source of infection was wounds caused by domestic cats, which contributed to the spread of sporotrichosis in this urban area.