
2969 palavras 12 páginas
O Enfermeiro de Unidade de Tratamento Intensivo: Refletindo sobre seu Papel
Divani de Vargas1

Faculdades Integradas Fafibe – Bebedouro (SP) divani@fafibe.br

Ana Lúcia Braga2 2 Graduação – Faculdades Integradas Fafibe – Bebedouro (SP) Abstract. This is a descriptive study with the objective of dealing with the nurse’s role at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). The nurse’s role at the ICU consists of obtaining the patient’s history, doing physical examination, conducting treatment, advising and teaching health maintenance and orientating the patients and their families to continue the treatment. This professional is also in charge of taking care of the individual in different severe situations in the ICU as a whole and continuously with the health team members. For this purpose, the ICU nurse needs to think critically, analyzing the problems and finding solutions for them, always assuring his/her practice within ethical and bio-ethical professional principles. Also, s/he has to assess, systemize and decide on the appropriate use of human, physical, material and informative resources in the intensive care patient, aiming at teamwork, efficiency and cost-effectiveness. As for the education, the intensive care nurse must have a continuous commitment with his/her own professional growth, being able to operate the educative processes of health team professionals in work situations, providing conditions to create mutual benefits among professionals, being responsible for health education processes of the individuals and families under his/her care, recognizing the life context and their social-economic and cultural habits, contributing with professional practice qualification, creating new habits and demystifying the inadequate concepts attributed to ICU. Key-words: Nursing; Intensive Care Units; Nurse´s role Resumo. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo que objetivou discorrer sobre o papel do enfermeiro na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI). O papel do enfermeiro na UTI


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