Energia sem fio
Douglas do Amaral Monteiro
(MONTEIRO, D. do A.)
Graduando em Engenharia Elétrica –DECEA/UFOP - 2011
Metodologia de pesquisa, Introdução a Engenharia Elétrica, Instituto de Ciências Exatas e Plicadas,
Campus João Monlevade, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto-UFOP,
Rua 37, nº115, Loanda - João Monlevade - MGCEP 359301-026
Email: douglasmonteiro82@yahoo.com.br
Felipe Eduardo Moreira Cota
(COTA, F.E.M.)
Professor Temporário de Engenharia Elétrica - DECEA/UFOP
Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto
Campus João Monlevade
Email: felipecot@icea.ufop.com
In a world increasingly smaller and more portable, the technology of transmission of power without wire (called Witricity) became the way most effective to escape of a trouble that would be sure, whether we continued physically stuck to the transmission of energy. The beginning of the research occurred in the Massachusetts Technology Institute – MIT, in the US, while a team of researches can to transmit power to a 60W bulb, at a distance of 2 m. However many others research has been realized with the objective of to expand and to improve further this promising form of transmission of energy. Some questions as: What the ideal frequency? Or what the advantages of such tecnology… these are the big questions that bring researchers and especially the public policy (with regard to health). There are others forms to transfer power such as those that are made though of the microwave or teh laser beam and even those that are made for data transmission, such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi but none has proved so promising as this, which promises to revolutionize the way we perceive mobility.
Keywords: Energy, wireless, transmission; Witricity.
Em um mundo cada vez ‘menor’ e mais portátil, a tecnologia de transmissão de energia sem fio tornou-se a forma de escape mais eficaz de escapar de um colapso que se tornaria certo, caso