
11767 palavras 48 páginas

Volume 3 of the Entrepreneurship Policy for the Future Series

Lois Stevenson Anders Lundström Swedish Foundation for Small Business Research

This project was initiated and carried out by the Swedish Foundation for Small Business Research and supported by the Swedish Ministry of Industry, Employment and Communications, NUTEK, and Örebro University in Sweden.

FSF 2001:2 ISBN

Lois Stevenson was a Visiting Researcher with the Swedish Foundation for Small Business Research (FSF) during 2000-01 and is a member of FSF’s International Reference Council. She is a former Director of Policy & Liaison, Entrepreneurship and Small Business Office, Industry Canada and former Director, Entrepreneurship Development with the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency. Prior to beginning work with the government of Canada in 1990, she spent ten years as a university professor teaching and researching in the areas of entrepreneurship and, small business management. Over 35 of her articles and papers have been published in refereed journals and conference proceedings and she authored the OECD report ‘The Implementation of an Entrepreneurship Development Strategy in Canada: The Case of the Atlantic Region’, OECD/ACOA, Paris, 1996. She is Past-President of the International Council for Small Business (ICSB) and the Canadian Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (CCSBE), a member of the Entrepreneurship Of The Year Institute, a Fellow of the Price-Babson Fellows Program, a Fellow of the IC2 Institute of the University of Texas at Austin and a Wilford White Fellow. Ms. Stevenson is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development and the Advisory Board of the University of Umeå Business School. She holds three degrees from universities in Canada and the UK and lives in Ottawa, Canada. Anders Lundström is Founder and President of


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