Eficiencia energetica
Your road map to targeting energy efficiencies in a dynamic business environment December 2010 / White Paper by Brandi McManus, Solutions VP, Strategic Communications and Melissa O’Mara, Solutions VP, Green Buildings Solutions
Make the most of your energy SM
I. Executive Summary ......................................................................................... 3 II. Energy and the Corner Office .......................................................................... 4 The cost of business as usual ...................................................................... 4 Seizing the opportunity: Energy efficiency as a manageable investment ........ 5 Financial benefits and more.......................................................................... 5 III. How Energy Management Programs Capture the Opportunity ........................ 7 Energy efficiency as a managed process...................................................... 7 A focus on proactive measures .................................................................... 7 A holistic approach ...................................................................................... 8 IV. Case Studies of Energy Savings ..................................................................... 9 V. Conclusion ..................................................................................................... 11
White Paper
I. Executive Summary
Rising energy costs are a critical concern for executives, yet few companies have begun serious energy efficiency programs. The major reason for this oversight is that executives often view their facilities and energy use as a sunk cost, instead of an investment. By leveraging energy and facilities as investments, companies can gain control of energy use and achieve high rates of return in the form of energy savings. The internal rate of return (IRR) on these projects can be sizeable. In fact, they