
1536 palavras 7 páginas

This piece of work addresses the issue of leadership in early learning and management of conflicts that can arise in the process. The work deals with some paramount questions that arise in the process of leadership. Such questions that the work attempts to deal with include: What is leadership, and how is it implemented in early years? What kind of conflict could arise in early years?

This is clearly summed up by Wilmot and Hocker in their definition of the term 'conflict'. "Conflict is an expressed struggle between at least two interdependent parties who perceive incompatible goals, scare resources, and interference from others in achieving their goals" (Wilmont et al, 1998).

What is leadership?
While discussing leadership in the context of early learning, I would like to mention that like in every other field of study or walk of life, effective leadership in early learning requires certain styles, qualities and methods of implementations from the leader. In the event of conflicts, these attributes helps the leader to operate effectively and successfully. Appropriate application of these skills and style can lead to amicable solution to problems and effective conflict management by a leader. I will discuss these styles, qualities and methods of implementation separately under sub-heading.

What is conflict?
The term conflict may be seen or regarded by some people as an occurrence with negative outcomes and something that must be avoided at all cost. Conflict is something that is undesirable, uncomfortable, disruptive and sometimes unproductive in nature. However, it is not always bad. "Conflict will always be present in leadership situations, and surprisingly, it often produces positive change." (p173, Wilmont et al, 2011). EXPAND THIS IDEA disse a professora

Types of Conflicts
Conflicts can occur in different scenarios (early years settings, etc). There are different types of conflicts. Although there are different


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