Macroecologia de carnívoros do Novo Mundo (Mammalia): envelopes de restrição e análise de padrões filogenéticos
Natália M. Tôrres1, 2 & José Alexandre F. Diniz-Filho1
1. Depto de Biologia Geral, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Caixa Postal 131, 74001-970, Goiânia, GO, Brasil. 2. Programa de Graduação em Biologia, PIBIC/CNPq. (
ABSTRACT. Macroecology of New World carnivores: constraint envelopes and analysis of phylogenetic patterns. The relationship between body size and geographic range was analyzed for 70 species of terrestrial Carnivora ("fissipeds") of the New World, after the control of phylogenetic patterns in the data using phylogenetic eigenvector regression. The analysis from EcoSim software showed that the variables are related as a triangular envelope. Phylogenetic patterns in data were detected by means of phylogenetic correlograms, and 200 simulations of the phenotypic evolution were also performed over the phylogeny. For body size, the simulations suggested a nonlinear relationship for the evolution of this character along the phylogeny. For geographic range size, the correlogram showed no phylogenetic patterns. A phylogenetic eigenvector regression was performed on original data and on data simulated under Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. Since both characters did not evolve under a simple Brownian motion process, the Type I errors should be around 10%, compatible with other methods to analyze correlated evolution. The significant correlation of the original data (r = 0.38; P < 0.05), as well as the triangular envelope, then indicate ecological and adaptive processes connecting the two variables, such as those proposed in minimum viable population models. KEYWORDS. Macroecology, phylogenetic correlograms, eigenvectors, inertia.
INTRODUÇÃO Estudos macroecológicos consistem na análise de variáveis