Doutrina cristã
Answer the following questions in a word document.
Part A
Describe two main beliefs for each of the Christian Doctrines in the following list:
1. Humanity 2. Jesus Christ
• Provide scripture references for each belief. You need to write these out in full if the scripture is less than one or two verses. (Otherwise, give the Scripture reference.) • Use – and properly reference - at least one theological source (Bible excluded) for this section. (See reading list to help you with this.)
Complete approximately 300 words for each doctrine (600 words in total for this section):- i.a. Humanity Belief 1 = 150 words + Scripture references i.b. Humanity Belief 2 = 150 words + Scripture references ii.a. Jesus Christ Belief 1 = 150 words + Scripture references ii.b. Jesus Christ Belief 2 = 150 words + Scripture references
Part B
For each Christian Doctrine give one specific example of how what you believe can be applied to your life. i.e. one example for Humanity & one example for Jesus Christ. (Complete approximately 2 x 100 words for this section.)
Humanity Belief Application = 100 words Jesus Christ Belief Application = 100 words
Part C
Give a brief evaluation of how well you think you apply this belief to your own life. (Complete approximately 2 x 100 words for this section.)
Evaluation of Humanity Belief Application = 100 words Evaluation of Jesus Christ Belief Application = 100 words
Specific Assessment Guidelines • You need to include references and a Bibliography. See pages 52-55 of the Student Handbook to read and see examples of how to do this. • Ask your tutorial leader for help if you do not understand what a Bibliography is or how to reference your research.
Here is a reading list that will