Third Edition
European Dictionary of Selected Legal Terms The words you need, the languages you need them in
Third Edition
ISBN 0-9545356-0-X Published by Eversheds LLP Edited by Geoffrey Morson . Designed by Epigram © Geoffrey Morson/Eversheds (2009)
The Eversheds European Dictionary of Selected Legal Terms has been specifically designed with US corporate counsel in mind. It brings together in a handy pocket format a guide to more than 1000 legal and commercial expressions commonly encountered or used by US corporate counsel in business and in litigation situations in Europe. By covering these terms in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish, it extends to the EU markets which directly serve more than 300 million people. Expressions such as Six Sigma, due diligence, e-commerce, comfort letter, M&A, securitization, derivatives, GAAP, 10-K (and many others) are now so widely known and understood in Europe that no translation of them is normally required. They have entered the shared word base of international business and law. Internet words such as meta-tagging, morphing, caching, spamming, spoofing, framing, cookies, etc. are not included here. They are internationally recognized in English, although their legal significance varies from country to country. Terms like “business method patent”, “poison pill”, “mezzanine finance”, “tagalong provision” and “earnout clause” may be widely recognized in their English and American forms but their legal significance may vary from country to country.
More importantly, even traditional English and American words for the most basic legal procedures and institutions are often elusive to translate and many have apparent meanings in foreign languages that can be quite misleading. In French, for example, the Judge in a court can, depending upon the circumstances, be a “juge”, or a “magistrat”, or a