Distribuição e abundância relativa de tubarões, raias e teleósteos na plataforma continental e talude dos estados da paraíba, pernambuco e alagoas
Alessandre Ferreira de Vasconcellos*, Natalino Matsui Vanildo Souza de Oliveira e Dalgoberto Coelho de Araújo.
E-mail: vanildo@nelore.npde.ufrpe.br
* Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco - UFRPE, Engenheiro de Pesca, Bolsista do REVIZEE/ESCORE/CENTRAL
The aim of this paper is to characterize the handline fishery carried out by boats of Valença - BA, related to the activities of the Living Resources Assessment of the Economic Exclusive Zone Program (REVIZEE/Escore/Central), that was settled in September 1997. This modality of fishery is carried through on the continental shelf, extending itself more than 180 nautical miles since areas close to Itaparica Island up to the south of Ilhéus, on the Real Bank Charlotte fishing ground (between the latitudes - 13ºS and 16ºS). All the collected material consists of information gotten through the log books applied by the boats crew chiefs, to know and to evaluate the fishery situation, as well as the total weight of the catches by category and total fork lenght of the sampled species. There are 211 boats acting in Valença - BA, from which 95% are represented by" canoe " and 5% classified as motorized, with or without cabin, constructed with wooden hull rounded shape, and 18,0m maximum size. They are used in handline fishery and trawl fishery of shrimp. The number of boats that uses the handline does not exceed a total of thirty. The average size of the boats is 8.5m. Five types of handlines were identified, known locally as " bate-puxa ", " barandão ", " parada ", " pindaça " and " boiada ". The location of the fishing grounds is carried through by the reference of the shore line and of the probing with the " plummet ". A total of 12 fishing grounds had been located. It is concluded a technological deficiency in the way of the boats construction, as well as fishing tackles. The handline is the more used fishing tackle because it catches fishes