Dilinquência juvenil - em inglês
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6 páginas
IntroductionProstitution can be defined as the conscious exchange of sexual favors for interest’s not sentimental or emotional pleasure. Although prostitution often consists in an exchange relationship between sex and money, this is not a rule. You can trade sex for favors professional, material possessions (including money), for information, etc.
Prostitution is practiced more commonly by women, but there are a large number of cases of male prostitution in various locations around the world.
Juvenile prostitution
Different authors have also different views on child prostitution and youth - it is worth mentioning that this article will treat only the case of women, not that male prostitution is not worrying, quite the contrary, the goal is not just the same.
Girls who suffer from prostitution are being 10 and 17 are girls and the poor, and most often had their first sexual intercourse with any man of his own family.
In most cases these girls go to the world of prostitution not because I live in misery, but rather because I live in the midst of violence or family abandonment. For these girls, it's much easier to endure the prostitution scenes of violence within their own home, but instead of them find someone to give them love; they find a man who sexually abused them.
Most mothers of these girls, no idea that their daughters go through these situations because they lie to the mothers saying they work in decent places, but there are girls who are pushed into prostitution by her own family.
These girls most often have psychological problems, thereby creating a low self-esteem, fear of death, drug use, sexually transmitted diseases and delayed development.
The terminology used is often divergent: child prostitution, child prostitution, juvenile crime and prostitution of children and adolescents. The child prostitution is rooted in the marketing body as coercion or slavery or to meet basic survival needs. Destacase the need for social action, including