Dia da mulher
Escola de Engenharia de Lorena-EEL
Colégio Técnico de Lorena “Professor Nelson Pesciotta”
Maria Luiza Mota Marques
Apesar de comemorado no mundo
Em uma fabrica de tecidos de Nova Iorque, no dia 8 de março de 1857, operárias fizeram uma greve. Ocuparam a fabrica e começaram a reivindicar melhores condições de trabalho, como equiparação de salário com os homens,
http://www.suapesquisa.com/dia_internacional_da_mulher.htm http://www.brasilescola.com/geografia/a-importancia-da-mulher-na-sociedade.htm In a fabric factory in the March 8, 1875, some workers did a great strike. They occupied the factory and began claiming better working conditions, such as equalization of wages with men (they came to receive up to one third of what they received), reduction in daily work load (the factories required 16 hours of daily work) and a worthy treatment within the industry. As a response to the demonstration, the factory was locked and burned, with the women inside. About 130 workers died in a completely inhumane act. In 1910, during a conference in Denmark, it was decided that on March 8 to commemorate International Women's Day, honoring the women who died in 1857 in protest. But only in 1975 that the date was made official by the UN.
The woman, despite facing many difficulties, such as discrimination and prejudice, and have to adapt to the "female chores" such as taking care of family and home, managed to overcome all these problems and manage your time, making that personal issues do not mingle with professional issues. She still faces the challenge of proving that even frail, known to be strong, bold and firm in making decisions. Always being labeled as the weaker sex, the woman shows