Desigualdade Racial no Brasil
1 Centro de Estudos Afro-Brasileiros, Instituto de Humanidades, Universidade Cândido Mendes. Praça Pio X 7, 7o andar, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 20040-020, Brasil. Abstract This article aims to systematize and analyze social data that reveal the dimension of racial inequalities in Brazil. The point of departure is that racial inequalities affect the capacity for integration of Blacks into Brazilian society and jeopardize the proposal to build a democratic society with equal opportunities for all. Such inequalities are present at different moments in the individual life cycle, beginning in childhood and continuing through school years, in access to urban infrastructure, and crystallizing in the labor market, consequently determining the income and living conditions of Afro-Brazilians as a whole. The article also analyzes the main positions in the political debate on racial inequalities in Brazil, identifying recent initiatives by both the Brazilian government and civil society to deal with racial discrimination and racial inequalities. The article concludes by identifying key challenges for health policy-makers in this context.
Key words Blacks; Racial Discrimination; Racial Inequality; Public Policy; Social Indicators Resumo Este artigo pretende sistematizar e analisar indicadores que revelam a dimensão das desigualdades raciais no Brasil. Parte-se do princípio de que as desigualdades raciais, ao afetarem a capacidade de inserção dos negros na sociedade brasileira, comprometem o projeto de construção de um país democrático e com oportunidades iguais para todos. Essas desigualdades estão presentes em diferentes momentos do ciclo de vida do indivíduo, desde a infância, passando pelo acesso à educação, à infra-estrutura urbana e