Dating, christian view!

548 palavras 3 páginas
Comparing and Contrasting Paper
What the secular world presents about the dating and mating process and how the Lord directs us to date and mate.

We as humans were created to live in relationship with God and with people. This s actually the divine plan for our life. The LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone.” Also in Ecclesiastics 4:9 says: “Two are better than one.” Relationship is in the divine plan of God for us.
We need friendship, cooperation, dating and marriage. We have a need for a sincere friendship, but in the other hand loneness cannot be excuse to accept a relationship that is not respectful and honorable. Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and before marriage (mating), should be respected. With the increase of divorce, more and more couples decided to live together before getting married, to see if will work, others just meet in a bar or club and are ready to explore each other’s body. Our society now associate love with sex, you don’t even need to love, attraction is enough.
In the past, dating and mating choices of individuals were largely limited to their local communities but, with the increase of individuals living in cities (and with the advent of online dating services and greater physical mobility), choices are now much broader
According to Discovery channel series called Sex Appeal, episode -The dating and mating pool- what drives us pair up with the partners we choose? An experiment in human social dynamics, examines the human mating game, Evolutionary Psychologist Douglas Kenrick says:” - If we all went just for a good genes, we all be unhappy if we do not end up with Jenifer Lopez (for the men) and Brad Pitt (for the woman) or some other fashion model, in real life people have to match up with one another.” In this experiment 5 woman and 5 men were chosen from an average beauty point


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