Código Florestal
Do Código Florestal para o Código da Biodiversidade
Aziz Nacib Ab’Sáber1,2
Departamento de Geografia, Instituto de Estudos Avançados, Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas,
Universidade de São Paulo – USP, Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, n. 338, Cidade Universitária,
CEP 05508-000, São Paulo, Brasil
Autor para correspondência: Aziz Nacib Ab’Sáber, e-mail: absaber@usp.br
Ab’Sáber, A.N. Evolving from a Forest Code to a Biodiversity Code. Biota Neotrop. 10(4): http://www. biotaneotropica.org.br/v10n4/en/abstract?point-of-view+bn01210042010. Abstract: Given the enormity of the territory and the actual situation of the Brazilian macro biomes – Brazilian
Amazonia, Brazilian Tropical Atlantic Forest, Cerrados of Central Brazil, Araucaria Plateau, and the Mixed
Subtropical Grasslands of Brazil – and its numerous mini-biomes, transition areas and remnants of ecosystems, any attempt to change the Brazilian Forest Code has to be conducted by competent and bioethical sensitive persons. Any movement to improve the current Forest Code would have to broaden its scope and move towards a Biodiversity Code, to be able to consider properly the complexity of ecosystems and vegetation mosaics of our territory. While the whole world is working towards a radical reduction of CO2 emissions, the changes in the
Forest Code approved by the Special Commission of the Brazilian Congress advocates a process that will result in a wave of deforestation and uncontrolled emissions of carbon dioxide, a fact already registered by many critics in several papers and interviews. The utopia of economic development with a maximum of standing forests can not be destroyed by radical changes in the Forest Code. It is necessary to think in the complexity of the whole territory, working with an expanded Biodiversity Code based in correct principles of development with environmental protection and biodiversity conservation. That means thinking