Cyberspace benefits journalsim
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Cyberspace benefits Sports JournalismIntroduction:
Journalism is experiencing what Eric Klinenberg described as a “revolutionary period” in the transition to digital age and information technology (2005). Alongside this is Sports Journalism, only that with sports journalism, globalisation came (mainly because of international competitions such as the FIFA World Cup and the Olympic Games) and consequently, digitisation (Boyle, 2006).
Previous studies have analysed how sports clubs and players are trying to take benefit of the internet, social media and mobile internet to deliver exclusive news to their fans and followers. For journalists, it can be argued that it has become harder to access players as clubs try to find ways to avoid traditional sports journalism.
This assignment’s main aim is to look at how cyberspace benefits and penalises sports journalism taking special attention on Brad Schultz and Mary Lou Scheffer’s study about how Twitter is affecting Sports Journalism (2010). What changes the Internet brought to Sports Journalism:
In recent years the internet became the main feature of almost every news organisation. The news freshness is a key point in many peoples’ preference over other types of information but it also has its bad side which are later going to be explained. When using the internet, the user does not have to wait until the next morning to read about a certain story. The internet has helped cyber users to keep up with live scores and scorers, follow matches online, discuss matches with other cyber users online and now, people can even watch matches on their mobile phones. . The speed, interactivity and comprehensiveness of the internet as an information source are extraordinary in communication media (McNair, 1999).
However, the appearance of blogs and forums has also aided the arrival of many “citizen journalists” which means that anyone can post a