consciencia corporal
Abstract This article is a report that is given from the three livings given in class of Professor Edson Monteiro , held at the School of Theatre and Dance UFPa , in 2014 with a freshman class degree in dance. In the period of three weeks , going one experiences in each. Who was a famous ballet dancer and choreographer Brazilian - several exercises allowed us to feel every part of our body , all natural and unforced way , through the experiences of Klauss Vianna ( São Paulo , 1992 Belo Horizonte , 1928) were addressed . Who wrote the book The Dance , and developed a method for the body expression in dance and theater. Gain strength, flexibility , balance , bone alignment , agility and vitality , are consequences of the case with the Technical Klauss Vianna , who always develops from the awareness of movement . During the three livings we can see how our actions previously unconnected attention to the sensation of the body are made aware during class time when the movements are organized by themes of bodily movement technique Klauss Vianna : presence , joints , weight , support , resistance , oppositions , global axis and vectors. The organization of the movement for bodily themes directs us to the dance, from which it was developed. However , his practice also builds the body for movement in life. Resumo Este artigo é um relato que se dá a partir das três vivencias dada na aula do Professor Edson Monteiro, ocorrida na Escola De Teatro e Dança da UFPA, no ano de 2014 com a turma de calouros de licenciatura em dança. No período de Três semanas, acontecendo uma vivencia em cada uma. Foram abordados vários exercícios que nos permitiram sentir cada parte do nosso corpo, tudo de forma natural e não forçada, através das experiências de Klauss Vianna (Belo Horizonte, 1928 — São Paulo, 1992) que foi um famoso Bailarino e coreografo brasileiro. Que escreveu o livro A Dança, e