Como se tornar um leed ga
Curso Preparatório
LEED Green Associate - Parte 1
Prof. Arq. Antonio Macêdo Filho, LEED GA Arq. Julho 2011
Programa do curso
1 - Introdução USGBC e GBCI O exame LEED Green Associate Eligibilidade para o exame Áreas de concentração e objetivos Terminologia técnica Materiais de estudo 2 - Conceitos Básicos: Conceitos de Construção Sustentável (Green Building Basics) LEED e o processo de certificação Processo de Projeto Integrado 3 - Categorias do LEED: Espaços Sustentáveis (Sustainable Sites) Eficiência no uso da Água (Water Efficiency) Energia e Atmosfera (Energy & Atmosphere) Materiais e Recursos (Materials & Resources) Qualidade dos Ambientes Interiores (IEQ) Inovações em Processos (Innovation in Design) Prioridades Regionais (Regional Priority) Sinergias entre estratégias 4 – Exercício: Exame simulado Avaliação e comentários
The United States Green Building Council (USGBC) is a nonprofit organization that promotes sustainable development and green building construction. With roughly 15,000 members, the USGBC brings together professionals from every sector of the building industry which includes the private sector as well as state and federal agencies. The goal of the USGBC is to promote green building practices to make green buildings available to everyone. The USGBC offers courses and seminars on sustainable development and promotes the collective efforts of green building organizations by hosting conferences and meetings all across the country. The USGBC is best known for their Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) program. This program provides a system of standards and ratings for environmentally sustainable building projects. The procedure that developers must go through is a completely transparent process in which points are given for different aspects of sustainability that are included in the project. This rating process all counts towards a building’s LEED certification. LEED