Ciência da computação
Interactive Narrative: A Novel Application of Artificial Intelligence for Computer Games
Mark O. Riedl
School of Interactive Computing Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, Georgia, USA Abstract
Game Artificial Intelligence (Game AI) is a subdiscipline of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) that explores the ways in which AI and ML can augment player experiences in computer games. Storytelling is an integral part of many modern computer games; within games stories create context, motivate the player, and move the action forward. Interactive Narrative is the use of AI to create and manage stories within games, creating the perception that the player is a character in a dynamically unfolding and responsive story. This paper introduces Game AI and focuses on the open research problems of Interactive Narrative.
encompasses a larger class of algorithms, data representations, hacks, and workarounds used to convey this illusion of intelligence. Laird and van Lent (2001) put forth an argument for AI in computer games as an academic pursuit. They specifically argued that those pursuing complete, “human-level” AI systems should use computer games as testbeds for research endeavors. This opened computer games up to a wide range of academic research goals under the Game AI umbrella: • “Human-Level” AI. The development of artificial intelligence algorithms and architectures that can act in computer game worlds equivalently to humans. Laird and van Lent (2001) argued that computer games have many of the properties of the real world without the overt complexity of the real world and thus could act as a non-trivial stepping stone toward improved AI performance. • Better games. The improvement of algorithms that operate under the real-time constraints of modern computer games and on game-specific computer architectures. A primary concern is to improve NPC