Catia v5 - tutorial

5102 palavras 21 páginas
Mechanism Design & Animation
(Releases 14 & 15)

CATIA V5 Tutorials

Nader G. Zamani
University of Windsor

Jonathan M. Weaver
University of Detroit Mercy


Schroff Development Corporation SDC

CATIA V5 Tutorials in Mechanism Design and Animation


Chapter 4 Copyrighted Slider Crank Mechanism Material

Copyrighted Material Copyrighted Material Copyrighted Material


CATIA V5 Tutorials in Mechanism Design and Animation


In this tutorial you create a slider crank mechanism using a combination of revolute and cylindrical joints. You will also experiment with additional plotting utilities in CATIA.

1 Problem Statement

A slider crank mechanism, sometimes referred to as a three-bar-linkage, can be thought of as a four bar linkage where one of the links is made infinite in length. The piston based internal combustion is based off of this mechanism. The analytical solution to the kinematics of a slider crank can be found in elementary dynamics textbooks. In this tutorial, we aim to simulate the slider crank mechanism shown below for constant crank rotation and to generate plots of some of the results, including position, velocity, and acceleration of the slider. The mechanism is constructed by assembling four parts as described later in the tutorial. In CATIA, the number and type of mechanism joints will be determined by the nature of the assembly constraints applied. There are several valid combinations of joints which would produce a kinematically correct simulation of the slider crank mechanism. The most intuitive combination would be three revolute joints and a prismatic joint. From a degrees of freedom standpoint, using three revolute joints and a prismatic joint redundantly constrains the system, although the redundancy does not create a problem unless it is geometrically infeasible, in this tutorial we will choose an alternate combination of joints both


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