Capacitacao de recursos para grupo de danca - em ingles

692 palavras 3 páginas
Samba Roots Concert

By Brazileirinho Entertainment

The Company:
“Brazileirinho Entertainment by art” is company formed by experienced artists and producers in order to promote art although innovation of culture focused in the diversity of talents. Music, dance, plastic arts, magic and photography.
That is the point. Bring good Brazilian culture to everywhere.

“Samba Roots Concert” is the project that marks the beginning of the company and it has been organized and performed since the beginning of
2012. Parallel to this project the team has been working as partners in shows targeted at smaller festivals of culture and art.

The Team:
A talent and passion for art brought four professionals from different fields together. After travelling the world studying, researching and experimenting with new trends, Carolina Paula and Louise Moraes met in Dublin and broadened their field of artistic activity, gathering further ideas for shows. The result is a strong, committed and highly skilled artistic quality.

When we mention Saint Patrick, Oscar Wilde or green landscapes we immediately think of Ireland and its amazing culture. Over time important figures in each country’s history have contributed greatly to form their distinguishable unique culture, creating their respective country’s distinct cultural traditions and ways of life, recognizable all over the world.
Each country’s culture has remnants of its own past, what the countries people are made of and how they go about their lives. It’s something deeply personal, but in many ways the uniqueness of every society is what brings millions together.
So, what do we have to offer? Colour, rhythm, happiness and why not a little samba, beauty and Capoeira to spice up your life. Our show will demonstrate the diversity of rhythms and beats which created what we know and love as Brazilian culture. Brazileirinho Entertainment by Arts has the pleasure to bring to you the joy and


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