Camada de transporte

2222 palavras 9 páginas
Camada de Transporte
Adailton Souza, Davidson Araújo, Denis Lopes, Fabiano Vinhas, Wellington F. Damasceno.
Tecnologia em Redes de Computadores – Faculdade de Macapá (FAMA)
Caixa Postal 68.900-000 – Macapá – AP – Brasil,,,,
Abstract. This article will address the transport layer, which is the key to understanding the layered protocols, offering various services and having a common interface provided by the Berkeley sockets. The transport layer in the OSI model as both the TCP/IP model layer is responsible for efficient, reliable and economical transfer of data between the source machine and the target machine, regardless of type, topology or configuration of the existing physical networks between they also ensure that the data arrives without errors and in the correct sequence. The aim is to reveal the real importance of the transport layer, showing that the layer does not communicate with intermediate machines on the network, as can occur with lower layers, revealing that transport protocols should be able to perform management of connections in networks not reliable. The internet has two major transport protocols, UDP and TCP, where the UDP which is connectionless protocol mainly used for IP packets with envelope with the added feature of multiplexing and demultiplexing multiple processes using a single IP address and can be used in construction of real-time protocols such as RTP and TCP which is the main transport protocol of the Internet, which offers a bidirectional flow of bytes reliable.
Resumo. Este artigo irá tratar da camada de transporte, que é a chave para a compreensão dos protocolos em camadas, oferecendo vários serviços e tendo uma interface comum oferecida pelos soquetes de Berkeley. A camada de transporte tanto no modelo OSI quanto no modelo TCP/IP, é a camada responsável pela transferência eficiente, confiável e


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