Calculation pressure
Selection of the most suitable products for pressure maintenance | degassing | water make-up
Pressurisation & Water Quality
Balancing & Control
Thermostatic Control
engineering ADVAnTAge
Reliable pressurisation is the basic requirement for a gentle and trouble-free operation of heating, solar and cooling water systems. Our planning and calculation basics support you in choosing the right products, their size and performance.
PNEUMATEX PlAnning AnD cAlculATion
PNEUMATEX PlAnning AnD cAlculATion
Table of contents
Page calculations 4–5 General equations Statico selection 6 7 Quick selection Equipment compresso selection 8 9 Quick selection Equipment Transfero selection 10 11 Quick selection Equipment Aquapresso selection 12 13 13 Aquapresso in potable hot water systems Aquapresso in pressure-boosting systems Aquapresso pressure losses Zeparo Selection 14 15 Approx. pressure loss (DP) – Separator Zeparo Collect Safety technology 16 Devices for sealed heating systems glossary 17 17 18 – 19 19 20 21 General terms Geometry Pressures Volumes Temperatures Capacities
PNEUMATEX PlAnning AnD cAlculATion
Pressure maintenance Heating systems TAZ ≤ 110 °C following EN 12828, solar systems ENV 12977-1 general equations VA Water capacity of the system VA = VA central heating + VA district heating pipe VA = vA · Q + VA district heating pipe Ve = e · VA VV ≥ 0,005 · VA ≥ 3 litre P0 = HST/10 + pD + 0,3 bar ≥ pZ pa ≥ P0 + 0,3 bar Df = (pe + 1)/(pe – P0) VN ≥ (Ve + VV + 1,1 · VK 1) + 5 3) ) · Df pe ≤ PSV – ASV
VN ≥ 80 litre with Statico + Vento VK Collector volume 1) ASV = 0,5 bar for PSV ≤ 5 bar 4) pD (TAZ), table 1 : System design vA Specific water capacity, table 2 Q Installed heat capacity e Expansion coefficient for tmax, table 1
Ve Expansion volume VV Water reserve P0 Miniumum pressure 2) pa Initial pressure Statico Df Pressure factor VN Nominal volume pe Final pressure compresso VN Nominal volume pe Final pressure TecBox