Cake boss
The show premiered on April 19, 2009, and four additional seasons followed, premiering October 26, 2009, May 31, 2010 (returning in October), January 31, 2011 (returning in September), and May 28, 2012, respectively.[
Carlo’s is a family owned bakery that produces what many say are the best tasting, highest quality wedding cakes, specialty cakes and baked goods in New Jersey. Carlo’s, originally opened by Carlo Guastaffero in 1910, was acquired by Bartolo Valastro Sr. in 1964. Since the untimely passing of Bartolo Sr. in 1994, matriarch Mary Valastro, along with her daughters, Grace, Maddalena, Mary, and Lisa, her son, master baker Bartolo Jr. “Buddy” Valastro, and their spouses have maintained the business. The Valastro’s and their experienced bakers and staff have expanded Bartolo Sr’s. dream and have seen it flourish.
The bakery is located in the heart of Hoboken, New Jersey. Hoboken is best known for being the birthplace of Frank Sinatra and baseball. It is also admired for its charm and proximity to Manhattan. Within this North Jersey, square mile town, Carlo’s has become a landmark establishment providing its customers with elegant wedding cakes, buttery crumb cakes, freshly filled cannolis, flaky lobster tails, and a large variety of cookies and pastries whose taste can not be surpassed.
Because of the Valastro family’s dedication to quality and excellence, Carlo’s has received national recognition. Master Baker Bartolo Jr. “Buddy” has been featured in numerous