Be going to-future plan
Going to future expresses a conclusion regarding the immediate future or an action in the near future that has already been planned or prepared.
AFFIRMATIVE FORM: subject + TO BE VERB + GOING TO + main verb + complement
E.g: We are going to spend our vacation in Paris. I'm going to call you tonight.
NEGATIVE FORM: subject + TO BE VERB + NOT + GOING TO + main verb + complement
E.g: I'm not going to have any difficulty to do that. They are not going to come.
INTERROGATIVE FORM: TO BE VERB + subject + GOING TO + main verb + complement
E.g: Is he going to stay here? Are they going to help us? What are you going to do next weekend?
Going to is used to:
1. Expressing intent to do something: * I'm going to try to eat less to lose weight. * I'm going to go for a walk.
2. Talking about future plans: * He is going to be an engineer when he grows up. * Philip is going to be engaged next month. * When I leave high school, I'm going to study architecture.
3. To express an action that will occur in the near future: * It's very hot today, We are going to sweat a lot. * What are you going to tonight's? * She is going to talk to you in a few minutes. * It is going to rain by the end of the day. Day | Abbreviation | Monday | Mon | Tuesday | Tue | Wednesday | Wed | Thursday | Thu | Friday | Fri | Saturday | Sat | Sunday | Sun | Month | Abbreviation | Month | Abbreviation | January | Jan | July | - | February | Feb | August | Aug | March | Mar | September | Sept | April | Apr | October | Oct | May | - | November | Nov | June | - | December | Dec