Bacia sedimentar costa brasileira

2189 palavras 9 páginas
Geologia, Tectônica e Recursos Minerais do Brasil L. A. Bizzi, C. Schobbenhaus, R. M. Vidotti e J. H. Gonçalves (eds.) CPRM, Brasília, 2003.


Capítulo III

Bacias Sedimentares da Margem Continental Brasileira

Sedimentary Basins of the Brazilian Continental Margin

Webster Ueipass Mohriak Petrobras

The Brazilian continental margin has been the object of study of several basin analysis projects in the last few decades. Technological advances in the acquisition, processing and interpretation of the large geological and geophysical datasets obtained by the petroleum industry resulted in outstanding advances in the geological interpretation and substantial development of new concepts related to the tectono-sedimentary evolution of the continental margin, with direct implications in the evaluation of the exploratory potential. This work presents an integrated review of the tectono-sedimentary evolution of the basins along the Brazilian continental margin, from the transform-related domains in the equatorial margin towards the divergent domains of the South American plate. This review focus on the sedimentary basins along the equatorial margin (Foz do Amazonas, Pará–Maranhão, Barreirinhas, Ceará, and Potiguar) and along the transversal and divergent domains of the plate, from the northeastern and eastern region (Pernambuco–Paraíba, Sergipe–Alagoas, Jacuípe, Camamu, Almada, Jequitinhonha, Cumuruxatiba), and extending to the southeastern and southern regions (Espírito Santo, Campos, Santos and Pelotas). A number of aborted rifs (example, Tacutu and Tucano) developed during the Gondwana breakup and during the continental drift phase are also discussed. The syn-rift phase of the sedimentary basins along the continental margin is associated with extensional processes, which are responsible for synthetic and antithetic normal faults that formed half-grabens and grabens. These were filled with siliciclastic and carbonate lacustrine continental


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