5308 palavras
22 páginas
Rundown failures|Event code |Event name |Information |
|E003 |Torque measurement possibly |The programming is incorrect. Please check the programming and ensure |
| |invalid |there is some movement on the socket in the second stage. |
Event related errors
|Event code|Event name |Information |Note |
|E102 |Rundown prohibited due to |This event code is displayed when an attempt to make a tightening is|TNR |
| |Lock on Reject |made and tightenings are disabled by the parameter Lock on reject |LCK |
| | |[C210]. For more information, see section Sub information for event | |
| | |codes. | |
|E103 |Tool locked by digital |The tool is locked by digital input. For more information, see |TNR |
| |input |section Sub information for event codes |LCK |
|E107 |Rundown prohibited due to |A Job using line control is selected. The Job does not start until a|TNR |
| |Line control, batch not |line control start signal is received. For more information, see |LCK |
| |enabled |sectionSub information for event codes. | |
|E112 |Rehit |An attempt to tighten an already tightened |
| | |bolt was made. |
|E113 |Current limit reached - |The current limit has been reached, the drive is disabled. |ACK |
| |Rundown aborted |