Association of fixed partial denture and gingival prosthesis as alternative
JPOR-150; No. of Pages 5
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Journal of Prosthodontic Research xxx (2012) xxx–xxx
Case report
Association of fixed partial denture and gingival prosthesis as alternative approach to recover esthetics and function in anterior maxillary region
Cristiane Okano Ajita DDSa, Rodolfo Bruniera Anchieta MSb,*, Manoel Martin Jr. PhDc, Carlos Marcelo Archangelo PhDc, Naiara Reis Gil DDSd, Carlos Alexandre Bertoncelo MSc, Daniela Garcia Nesello DDSa b Privative Dentist, Londrina, PR, Brazil Sao Paulo State University-UNESP, Faculty of Dentistry of Aracatuba, Department of Dental Materials and Prosthodontics, Aracatuba, SP, Brazil ¸ ¸ c Institute Federal of Parana, Prosthodontics, Londrina, PR, Brazil d ´ ˜ Privative Dentist, Sao Jose do Rio Preto, SP, Brazil Received 13 September 2011; received in revised form 20 December 2011; accepted 3 February 2012
Abstract Tooth replacement in the maxillary anterior region is especially difficult when the loss includes significant amounts of the residual ridge and the soft tissue. Several techniques are available, such as dental implants or fixed partial denture, and bone and gingival grafts or gingival prostheses, respectively. This article showed a clinical case of an elderly who was treated with a collarless metal–ceramic fixed partial denture and acrylic removable gingival prosthesis to recover the esthetics in the maxillary anterior region. The association of a metal–ceramic fixed denture and gingival prosthesis was an excellent alternative in cases when surgical procedures are contraindicated. # 2012 Japan Prosthodontic Society. Published by Elsevier Ireland. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Metal–ceramic fixed partial denture; Gingival prosthesis; Prosthodontics
1. Introduction The area of soft tissue and teeth displayed when a patient smiles is often referred to as the esthetic zone and usually includes the teeth in the maxillary