Assistência Farmacêutica

5239 palavras 21 páginas

Pharmaceutical Assistance in the Basic Units of Health: from the National Drug Policy to the Basic Attention to Health

Luciane Cristina Feltrin de Oliveira 1
Marluce Maria Araújo Assis 1
André René Barboni 1


Universidade Estadual de
Feira de Santana. Av.
Transnordestina s/no, Novo
Horizonte. 44036-900
Feira de Santana BA. Abstract This study of theoretical revision discuss the Pharmaceutical Assistance in the Basic
Units of Health, rescuing briefly the history of the National Drug Policy, the mechanisms of financing in the process of health decentralization and Pharmaceutical Assistance on the Basic Attention to Health. The expansion of the population access to the health system has demanded changes on drug distribution in order to increase the coverage and at the same time to reduce costs.
It was identified advances in legal and institutional structures: the management decentralization of actions on pharmaceutical assistance; the expansion of the population access to essential medicines; and the establishment of the pharmaceutical assistance in some cities. However, it still persists priority actions in relation to the financing and population coverage, in detriment of quality processes. The conclusion is that, many Brazilian cities has low availability and discontinuity of essential medicine offer; dispensation by workers without qualification; inadequate conditions of storage that compromise the quality of medicines; medicine prescription that does not belong to the National Reference of Essential Medicines; and problems related to the access of users to the pharmacotherapy.
Key words Pharmaceutical assistance, Basic
Attention to Health

Resumo Este artigo é um estudo de revisão teórica que discute a Assistência Farmacêutica no Sistema Único de Saúde, resgatando-se brevemente a história da Política Nacional de Medicamentos, os mecanismos de financiamento no processo de descentralização da


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