As possibilidades e contradições da hipermídia
Palavras-chave: Controle Interno; Auditoria Interna;
Hypermedia combines hypertext and multimedia concepts involving nonlinearity navigation to the three elements: noise, visual and textual . Increasingly used, it is one of the most promising objects of study, with its surprising capacity modeling for adaptation in various uses. Whether in schools, web sites or advertisements, it contributes to provide increasingly, new experiences assisting the process of knowledge construction. This article aims to analyze the hypermedia from the point of view of the acceptance of this tool by focusing on the best ways to enjoy it. It also aims to analyze some obstacles or contradictions imprint on intellectual property and implementation of hypermedia uniformly, especially in schools. Hypermedia is undeniably a reality in all modern environments. The increasing expansion of the use of this technological feature now makes the academic world also fit this new paradigm. And since students are already part of that, it's up to all, like society, to present and integrate innovations in the middle.
Key-words: Hypermedia Navigation, Multimedia, School.
O mundo atual vive a era das novas mídias, das televisões, dos jogos eletrônicos e da internet. Segundo Gosciola (2003) a hipermídia é o meio e a linguagem delas. A hipermídia nos alcança diariamente em anúncios eletrônicos, web sites e nos celulares. Combinando sons, imagens e textos, ela se faz valer da estatística de que as pessoas se lembram de 15% do que escutam, 25% do que vêem e 60% daquilo com o que interagem