Artigo farmacia
V. 26, Nº 1, 2014
Artigo Original
Farmacovigilancia de fitoterápicos em uma indústria farmacêutica brasileira: mecanismo de aperfeiçoamento dos produtos
Pharmacovigilance on herbal medicines in a Brazilian pharmaceutical industry: mechanism for products improvement
Fabiane Sobrinho de ABREU, Regina Braga de MOURA
Universidade Estácio de Sá. Rua do Bispo, 83, Bloco AG, Lab 12.
CEP 20261-063 - Rio de Janeiro RJ, Brasil.
The use of herbal medicines is based on popular traditions and considered a therapeutic alternative to the use of official medicine. Incorrectly, the use of these medications is considered as exempt from adverse reactions. However, it may cause harmful effects if used with no proper guidance. After been released in the market, drugs may cause unexpected adverse reactions, making necessary pharmacovigilance work. This study aimed to investigate cases of adverse reactions registered for herbal medicines from a Brazilian pharmaceutical industry. Therefore, a descriptive, retrospective, cross-sectional and quantitative study was carried out for a period of eighteen months, through a database of spontaneous reports of unexpected events for herbal medicinnes produced by the mentioned industry. During the evaluation period, thirty-two notifications were registered, distributed among six herbal medicines containing: Trifolium pratense L, Pinus pinaster Aiton, Hedera helix L., Tribullus terrestris L., Pelargonium sidoides DC., Cimicifuga racemosa (L.) Nutt. The most reported adverse reaction, regardless of plant species, was allergy. People above fifty years old were responsible for most reports, originated mainly from Brazilian southeastern region. It was possible to conclude that most herbal medicines produced and distributed by the pharmaceutical laboratory involved in this study can be considered safe and effective for the treatment of diseases which they are designed to.