Artigo científico
Palavras chaves: Leitura, Visual, Motora
Abstract: The Present scientific paper aims to show the true face of sign language in order to good learning. The nature of sign language is an important tool to develop creativity and imagination in children. For this, the need decent, and enjoy working with gestures in the classroom, if appropriate knowledge and strategies that aim to seduce the child to the literary field. To develop this theme, we used the theory advocated by presumpostos: Pinheiro, Ronic and Francisca Nídia that bring significant contributions to work with deaf people. This abardogem showed a new path for educators who want to develop a meaningful work for children in a pleasant way to develop as active, and engaged in learning sign language, developing their autonomy and interaction in school and society.
Keywords: Reading, Visual, Motor
O presente artigo cientifico tem como objetivo revelar a natureza da língua de sinais. Sabe-se que a LIBRAS pode desenvolver o conhecimento