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Estudo de 596 Casos Consecutivos de Traumatismo
Craniano Grave em Florianópolis-1994-2001
A study of 596 consecutive cases of severe head trauma from 1994 to 2001 in Florianopolis, Brazil.
Evandro Tostes Martins1,Thales Schott da Silva2, Mario Coutinho3
Rationale: Trauma is the major cause of mortality in the population less than 40 years old. At least 60% of trauma deaths are secondary to head trauma. Brazil has a high incidence of traffic accidents.
Objective: Our main objective was to study the epidemiology and mortality secondary to severe head trauma in the metropolitan area of Florianopolis (circa 600,000 inhabitants). We compared the impact of traffic safety campaigns on the epidemiologic variables and mortality in the period from 1994 to 2001.
Material and methods: Departing from a data bank of patients admitted with severe head trauma (Glasgow Coma Scale £
8) to the Intensive Care Unit of Hospital Celso Ramos, which is the center for neurotrauma in the metropolitan Florianopolis, in the period beginning on January 1st 1994 going to December 31st 2001. Data of 596 consecutive patients were collected and the following variables analysed: demographics, cause of trauma, Marshall´s tomographic classification for head trauma and in-hospital mortality. We compared mortality of two periods: 1994 to 1995 and 2000 to 2001.
Results: Men represented 85% of the deceased, most (74%) age between 12 and 40 years old. In-hospital mortality in
1994-1995 was 44% and in 2000-2001, it decreased to 29,7%. Victims of car accidents were 33% and 12,8%, respectively. On the other hand, victims of motocycle accidents were 13% and 30,7%, respectively. The rate of pedestrians victims kept stable, 31% and 30,7%, respectively. Mass lesions evacuated (after