Analise de sistemas de arquivos
Appears in the proceedings of the 13th USENIX Workshop in Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS XIII)
Vasily Tarasov, Saumitra Bhanage, and Erez Zadok Stony Brook University Abstract
The quality of file system benchmarking has not improved in over a decade of intense research spanning hundreds of publications. Researchers repeatedly use a wide range of poorly designed benchmarks, and in most cases, develop their own ad-hoc benchmarks. Our community lacks a definition of what we want to benchmark in a file system. We propose several dimensions of file system benchmarking and review the wide range of tools and techniques in widespread use. We experimentally show that even the simplest of benchmarks can be fragile, producing performance results spanning orders of magnitude. It is our hope that this paper will spur serious debate in our community, leading to action that can improve how we evaluate our file and storage systems.
Margo Seltzer Harvard University
1 Introduction
Each year, the research community publishes dozens of papers proposing new or improved file and storage system solutions. Practically every such paper includes an evaluation demonstrating how good the proposed approach is on some set of benchmarks. In many cases, the benchmarks are fairly well-known and widely accepted; researchers present means, standard deviations, and other metrics to suggest some element of statistical rigor. It would seem then that the world of file system benchmarking is in good order, and we should all pat ourselves on the back and continue along with our current methodology. We think not. We claim that file system benchmarking is actually a disaster area—full of incomplete and misleading results that make it virtually impossible to understand what system or approach to use in any particular scenario. In Section 3, we demonstrate the fragility that results when using a common file system benchmark (Filebench