Analisadores de densidade
The density is defined in three different ways, density or specific mas s, apparent density and specific gravity. Many times this associations are used in a wrong way. To density analyzers is necessary knowing the difference between them so there is possible to measure. The density is a material property wich understanding does not need physical models. Several methods are used to measure density, both methods that are connected to process, as floating body density analyzer, and methods that are not connected to process as ultrasound and gamma ray analyzers. In this paper we are presenting the density association, the mainly methods used to measure and some industrial applications of these analyzers.
1. Introdução A massa especifica e uma grandeza física que corresponde pela quantidade de matéria no estado solido, liquido ou gasoso, que ocupa um determinado volume, tendo sua grandeza representada pela unidade de massa dividida pelo volume (M/L3). A densidade ou densidade relativa e uma medida de relação entre a massa especifica de uma matéria com outra matéria de massa