Activivit english
326 palavras
2 páginas
COMPLEXO EDUCACIONAL MUNICIPAL LOURIVAL SOUTO DATA: ______/____/_______Name(a):_____________________________Serie: ______Group: _________ Shift: Matutino
Discipline: English Teacher: Agla Lima
"Se você quer transformar o mundo, experimente primeiro promover o seu aperfeiçoamento pessoal e realizar inovações no seu próprio interior."
Dalai Lama
1 – Traduza o texto:
Bob: Good afternoon. How are you?
Jim: I’m fine, thanks.
Bob: This is my family. This is John, my brother. This is my sister Carol. Ronald, my father. And that is Thelma, My mother.
2-Observe o exemplo e escreva as frases no plural e traduza para o português:
This is my friend.
These are my friends.
Estes são os meus amigos.
a)This is my teacher.
_________________________________________ _________________________________________
b)This is my sister.
_________________________________________ _________________________________________
c)This is my car.
_________________________________________ _________________________________________
e)This is my pen.
_________________________________________ _________________________________________ 3-Preencha os espaços com as palavras abaixo para completar a frase: What – that - are - big - is - flower
a)What ____________this?
b)What __________ those animals?
c)What is that? ___________is a car.
d)____________is this? This is a flower?
e) This is a