7391 palavras
30 páginas
Culto ao corpo e uso de anabolizantes entre praticantes de musculação
Body cult and use of anabolic steroids by bodybuilders Jorge Alberto Bernstein Iriart 1
José Carlos Chaves 1
Roberto Ghignone de Orleans 1
1 Instituto de Saúde Coletiva,
Universidade Federal da
Bahia, Salvador, Brasil.
J. A. B. Iriart
Instituto de Saúde Coletiva,
Universidade Federal da
Rua Augusto Vianna s/n, 2 o andar, Campus Universitário do Canela, Salvador, BA
40110-060, Brasil. iriart@ufba.br Introdução
This study focused on the reasons for practicing bodybuilding and the use of anabolic steroids, as well as the social representations and uses of the body among bodybuilding steroid users. This ethnographic study involved participant observation in middle and lower-class bodybuilding gyms in Salvador, Bahia State, Brazil, and 43 in-depth interviews with steroid users. Aesthetic reasons are the main motivation for bodybuilding and steroid use in both middle and lowerclass users. Dissatisfaction with one’s real body as compared to the ideal standard flaunted by the mass media, fear of being devalued or shunned by one’s peer groups, the symbolic capital associated with a “pumped-up” body, and the sense of immediacy in obtaining results all contributed to steroid use. Preventive campaigns are needed, targeting young people and combining a critical view and deconstruction of the values assigned to the body by consumer society, counteracted by high-quality information on the health risks associated with anabolic steroid use.
Uma das facetas que tem caracterizado a sociedade de consumo contemporânea é a crescente importância atribuída à aparência corporal.
Nas últimas décadas, o corpo tornou-se alvo de uma atenção redobrada com a proliferação de técnicas de cuidado e gerenciamento dos corpos, tais como dietas, musculação e cirurgias estéticas. Homens e mulheres investem cada vez mais