O olho

3179 palavras 13 páginas
Open government data: proposal the one generic value chain.

1 – Introduction and justificative The public organization always were big users from Information Technology (IT). Nowadays, in the context the IT, we can highlight the Internet. Since the Internet the public organization did adhesion the platform technology called government electronic or e-gov., this platform turn able one several opportunities the news products or services the society. The join this factors: intensive use by Information Technology, grown use and importance the internet, coupled with greater demands by society for with governs, turn able the appearance the one new platform technology called “open government data”. Open data government mean the disponible the information in the internet, this way the information can be use for others, society and general. Basic premise the OGD that others (in special the society) have free access the information (obviously, respecting the legals issues) this way that can use and generate news information and application – products and services. In OGD the main objective is not offer products and/or services (applications) ready for society, but possibility access the database government, this fact conditions the interest by society the actions by government. The o government, sponsor these initiatives should relate to all levels of society to achieve their goals. Initiatives for disponible OGD still are recents. In this Europe, only at 2009 the governments actually aroused for this technology platform. In this EUA these preoccupation had attention since this current president - Barack Obama (OBAMA, 2009). Parallel to these facts, there is few works about this theme, there is not in event, magazines and journals, academics works about this theme. However, in parallel this precocity the theme, this assumes quickly important role in this public scene and technological. About one hundred the countries already develop initiatives with OGD. It is


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