AD1 Gabarito

1113 palavras 5 páginas
Fundação CECIERJ - Vice Presidência de Educação Superior a Distância
Curso de Tecnologia em Sistemas de Computação – UFF
Disciplina: Inglês Instrumental
AD1 1° semestre de 2010.


1A House of connected PCs means no more fighting for an open phone line to check your e-mail: two or three people can share a lowly 56-kbps connection without much discomfort.
And if you opt for a broadband Internet connection like DSL or cable modem 5service, everyone on the network will enjoy the faster downloads. You can also get by with one network printer.
And nothing reduces family counselling bills like a totally free Internet connection so that the kids can exhaustively play their favourite PC games while their parents immerse in other more important activities.

Getting better

10Installing a Home network has gotten easier. That´s easier, not easy. Unless you´re already a network guru, you should try to keep things as simple as possible.
If you have two PCs near each other, or if you´re looking for a simple way to connect a desktop and a laptop, consider a USB adapter network like Belkin´s $80 USB Direct Connect. It´s slower than an ethernet network, but it´s cheaper and simpler to 15install.
If you need ethernet speed and sophistication, you can choose from several products. All involve adding a card or USB adapter to each PC and then connecting them by different methods.
Proven phone-line networking kits like Intel´s AnyPoint phone-line products and 203Com´s HomeConnect products are fast, easy to set up, and affordable (about $50 per PC). Their biggest drawback: you need to have a phone jack near each PC on the network
If you´re short on phone-line connections or you move around the house a lot with a laptop, a wireless network may be your best bet.
Finally, if you have a number of PCs in one room, you might consider a network 25using a traditional twisted-pair ethernet cable. As with wireless, setup is not for novices; and the cost of


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